MRC Business

'Today' Fails to Define 'Average' in Food Bank Scare

NBC morning show declares middle class is 'new face of hunger in America.'

America's Great Media Depression

Bear Stearns coverage far more negative than how journalists handled 1929 stock market crash.

'Nightly News' Bemoans School Funding Woes

NBC blames economic downturn, but ignores multiple factors involved in spending decline for California public education.

CNN Pulls out 'D-Word' in Economy Speculation

Economist warns about $5 gas, 'something worse than a mild recession.'

'Early Show' Takes Jab at Oil Executives for Industry Profits

Segment later features oil expert that explains it isn't the oil company profits causing the spike.

Wash. Post on Obese Children: 'Parent' Never Mentioned

Article celebrates victories of anti-food advocates pressuring businesses.

'Evening News' Hits Against Metal Bat Manufacturers

CBS blames aluminum bat maker for horrible accident, familys lawyer calls metal bats a "weapon."

BusinessWeek Dedicates Blog Exclusively to 'Recession in America'

The site's purpose: 'to uncover the stories of how individuals are coping with the downturn.'

'Squawk Box' Guest Warns of $12-15-a-Gallon Gas

Robert Hirsch, an energy advisor, says CNBC morning show prediction was a citation of the 'Dean of Oil Analysts.'
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