MRC Business Editor-in-Chief's Diagnosis: Bush Has a Learning Disability

Former Newsweek reporter doesn't;accept the idea that we invaded Iraq to secure supplies of oil.'

'American Morning' Gives the Super Bowl 'a Pass' for Consumers 'Feeling the Pinch'

CNN features a woman who lost her job, but tells reporter she would buy a high-ticket item 'at a good sale price.'

ElectionWatch: Hey Big Spender! Media Fail to Report Cost of Campaign Promises

Network coverage of presidential campaigns ignores the high price tag of many candidates' proposals for taxpayers.

Which Candidate Will Pay the Most for My Vote?

Media encourage people to view themselves as victims of the economy, looking for handouts from the next president.

MSNBC's Matthews Blames Higher Gold Prices on Ailing Bush Economy

'Hardball' host forgets how it was like when he worked for Jimmy Carter.

ABC Interprets Lower McDonald's Sales as Recession Indicator

Golodryga: 'If Americans are saying goodbye to fast food, could we be saying hello to a recession?'

The Underreported View - 'The Economy Is Fine'

Newsweek cover story 'The U.S. Economy Faces the Guillotine' gives a bleak one-sided view ... but what media outlet doesn't?

Countrywide CEO Gives Up $37.5 Million; 'American Morning' Complains It's Not 'Fair'

Anchor Kiran Chetry says CEO severance package agreed to by company's boards of directors a 'disconnect with Main Street.'

'Nightly News': 36 Miles a Gallon Not Quite Good Enough

Gas mileage of the Smart Car doesn't impress anchor Lester Holt, says 'it should be getting 50 to 60 miles a gallon.'
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