MRC Business

Media Stimulate Recession and Tax Rebate Frenzy by Twisting Fed Chairman's Words

Networks report Bernanke 'confirmed recession fears' even though he specifically said he is 'not forecasting recession.'

'Today' Saves Energy, But Just for Today

NBC morning hosts carpool for one day to save the Earth, complaining the whole way that carpooling is lame and sarcastically comparing it to living in a tree.

CNBC's Jim Cramer Still Down on Fed After Three-Quarter-Point Rate Cut

'Mad Money' host challenges WSJ reporter Greg Ip for putting out contradictory stories on Fed leading up to the 'emergency' rate cut.

Zuckerman Compares Current 'Financial Crunch' to Great Depression

U.S. News & World Report editor-in-chief tells 'McLaughlin Group' viewers credit freeze is a problem 'nobody knows how to deal with.'

To the Washington Post, Bill Clinton is a Man of Character

The article gives an overall impression of a good man wronged, but still fighting for his valiant, equally wronged wife's name and campaign prospects. It's not that the Clintons lack character, ...

Post Finance Columnist Fawns over Hillary Clinton

Michelle Singletary describes Clinton's proposal for taxpayer-funded help to debt-ridden Americans in glowing terms.

Albright Blames Lack of Health Care and Minnesota Bridge Collapse on Iraq War

Former Secretary of State, now working with Hillary Clinton's campaign, tells audience domestic expenditures are suffering because war funding is taking precedence.

Will Hyped 'Economic Stimulus' Package Be Tax Relief or Wealth Redistribution?

Media so far downplay critics of rumored plan, fail to ask tough questions about tax relief.

Bernanke Says No Recession; U.S. Economy Will Show 'Resilience' in Long Term

Fed Chairman tells House Budget Committee a stimulus package could be needed to help the economy in the short-term; food and energy prices should 'decelerate.'
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