MRC Business

'Early Show' Makes Carter Years Comparisons in One-Sided View of Economy

Bloomberg TV anchor appears on CBS only offering worst predictions in survey, ignoring the majority, who say no recession in 2008.

The Oops and Downs of Economic Predictions

The public has to be confused as the media over-predict downturns and gas price spikes but lack accuracy.

ElectionWatch: Media Ignore, Misreport 'FairTax' amid Huckabee Surge

When reporters aren't completely ignoring the proposal to overhaul the U.S. tax system, they're dismissing or mischaracterizing the FairTax.

CBS Does Turnabout on Mercury-based Thimerosal's Link to Autism

Seven months prior, 'Evening News' gave a slanted report about autistic hardship blamed on thimerosal.

Even CNBC Stock Analyst Assumes Recession is a Foregone Conclusion

'Squawk Box' regular David Faber expresses concern over business spending.

Thomas Accuses Bloggers of 'Deterioration' of Journalism in Iraq War

Technological advances in media business, especially blogging, upset 'dean of the White House press corps.'

Leno's Success Prompts Union Writing Controversy

NY Times reports witness heard union rep give Leno permission to proceed with writing 'Tonight Show' monologue.

Networks Ignore Business Side of Strike, Even Though They Are the Business

One striking writer blasts Huckabee's late-night appearance, saying 'Jesus wouldn't cross' a picket line.

Cramer: The Fed 'Wants a Recession'

CNBC 'Mad Money' host accuses Fed of 'punishing' public with gradual rate cuts.
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