MRC Business

Global Warming Vote on Snowy Day in Washington

Senate committee debates expensive climate change bill as two inches of snow blanket D.C.

Eco-Fanatic Urges Grinchlike Christmas

Global warming author Bill McKibben suggests 'no one' likes Christmas anymore; urges giving kisses and back rubs instead of 'stuff.'

NBC Drives Recession Fears with R.V. Story

'Nightly News' warns that fewer 'mini-mansions on wheels' mean an economic breakdown is dead ahead.

Time Writer Lobbies 'International Leaders' to be Proactive Fighting Climate Change

Magazine's global warming advocate accuses Bush of 'foot dragging on climate change,' overlooks costs of worldwide regulation.

Media Premature on Anticipated Doom of $100/Barrel Oil

Networks warned of $100/barrel oil and its potentially disastrous effects months ago, but it hasn't happened.

CBS Seeking 'Irreverent,' 'Hip' Journalist for Eco-Beat (No Knowledge Required)

Job advertisement seeking 'wicked smart, funny, irreverent and hip, oozing enthusiasm and creative energy.'

Public Radio Judges 'Green' Products Guilty of 'Greenwashing'

NPR broadcast lays out sins committed by companies with eco-friendly products.

Economy Grew More than We Knew, but Networks Barely Notice

CBS, NBC do find time to report Bush administration's reduced growth forecast.

CBS Cites Left-Wing CSPI to Wage Assault on Salt

'Salt trumps fat' in 'Evening News' coverage on the eve of FDA hearings to decide whether salt should be regulated as a food additive.
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