MRC Business

Oil CEO Gets Death Threat for High Gas Prices

CNN downplays danger, still criticizes Shell's John Hofmeister about 'profit reports.'

Wal-Mart's 'Solid' Holiday Forecast Has 'World News' Bearish on Economy

Stocks soar on positive news about the world's largest retailer, but ABC manages to find a downside.

NPR's $100 Oil Series: Profits Will Be Used for New Exploration

Report explains how higher prices enable companies to invest in the future of energy.

ABC: Why is Shell Taking from Your Grandchildren's College Fund?

'Good Morning America' asks president of Shell Oil if he could 'cut back' on profits.

Debt: Who'$ Responsible?

NPR: The Economy Is Surviving $100 Oil

Public radio broadcast says $100 oil hasn't had too much of a negative effect on economy ... 'yet.'

'Early Show' Scares Viewers about Packaged Meat

CBS warns about carbon monoxide as an additive in meat packaging, but fail to show it has a health advantage.

Global Warming Bill Could Cost Every U.S. Man, Woman and Child Up to $494 Annually

Estimate forecasts Lieberman-Warner bill being debated in the Senate would cost $4 trillion to $6 trillion over 40 years.

'Today' Tells Viewers Fall in the Stock Market Can Be a Good Thing

CNBC personal finance expert Suze Orman explains the 'buy low and sell high' strategy is best for long-term investors.

CBS 'The Early Show' Tells Only Half of the Devalued Dollar Story

Business correspondent Anthony Mason neglects weak dollar's positive effect on exports and idea that it may be undervalued.
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