MRC Business

Bad Company III: Executive Summary

For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests

They May Be Sexy, but Dirty Businessmen Return to Prime Time

New fall shows continue the trend of twisted, troubled, unethical businessmen as characters.

CNN Team Shocked, Appalled that Bush Would Veto Anything about the Children

CNN political analyst gives emotional opinions, omits White House position that $35-billion spending increase 'goes too far toward federalizing health care.'

Marie Claire Fuels Old Fears about Beauty Products

Magazine promotes 'green goodies' over 'test tube' products as it rehashes potential dangers of chemicals in cosmetics.

'Evening News' Calls Auto Strike 'Tactical Move' to Keep Up Appearances

CBS correspondent makes the point that the walk-out is more about union self-importance than financial desires.

Time Magazine's Polar Bear Paradox: Curbing Global Warming ... To Hunt Polar Bears

Managing Editor Richard Stengel writes how climate change is threatening man's ability to kill polar bears.

Clinton Laughs Off Health Care Criticism

Democratic presidential hopeful tells Sunday shows that business wants Hillarycare.

CNN Reporter Tries to Explain Oil and Gas Prices

While predicting higher gas prices, 'American Morning's' Ali Velshi confuses viewers who might not know that gasoline and crude oil are separate - and different - markets.

ABC Attacks CEI and 'Fossil Fuel Industry' for 'Disinformation Campaign'

'World News' correspondent blames business for misleading the American public about climate change.
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