MRC Business

CNN Warns of a Recession, Ignores Stock Market Gains

'Your $$$$$' ignored guest to promote a downbeat view of the economy.

ABC 'World News' Coverage of Hillarycare: Leaving Out Cost

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton's plan for health care would cost $110 billion.

Bank of America Bashed for Raising ATM Fees

Bank's decision energizes class warfare rhetoric promoting regulation, as some reports leave out main points.

CBS Plugs Radical Leftist Group's Plea for Housing Assistance

Reporter warns if foreclosed borrowers 'don't get some help, it will be the rest of the economy that needs it.'

Life Expectancy Increasing or Decreasing, Depending on What Day It Is

ABC 'World News' reports Americans living longer, but May 2006 report cited study warning of declining life expectancy.

Media Ignore Judge's Liberal Background in State Emissions Regulation Ruling

Clinton-appointed federal judge in Vermont ruled states have the authority to dictate greenhouse-gas emissions standards to fight 'the phenomenon of global warming.'

USA Today Wants Government to Give Housing Help

Article suggests using taxpayer funds to assist homeowners who got in over their head with housing they can't afford.

Reuters: Global Warming Impact Like 'Nuclear War'

London-based think tank predicts extreme Armageddon-like conditions from global warming.

Save the Planet, Bring Your Checkbook

Marie Claire calls for 'global cooling' so women can wear $41,000 of winter apparel.
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