MRC Business

Networks Ignore Higher Than Expected GDP Growth

As broadcasts leave out economic growth, The Wall Street Journal spins the 4 percent growth with a negative prediction.

Obama Wants More Regulation, But Experts Beg To Differ

Candidate wants 'fly-by-night' lenders regulated and fined, but free market economists propose a different solution: let the market work.

Media Promoting Left-Wing, Class Warfare Rhetoric

Journalists complain about 'loopholes' to push higher taxes on executive pay.

'American Morning' Praises Disgusting 'Produce Paradise' Music Video

CNN's Chetry applauds it for 'pretty good editing,' despite outlandish attack on business.

Networks: Bashing Airlines Is Just the Ticket

Media turn fear of flying into fear of business and don't blame the real culprit - government.

Media Still Using Wrong Number for Uninsured

New Census data shows increase in uninsured, yet no distinction made between Americans and non-citizens.

Left-Wing Cry of 'Revolution' More than Same Old Song

Calls for societal change show liberals want to overturn the things that made America great.

CBS News Does an About-Face on Home Prices

Lower housing prices bad for the economy; 14 months earlier higher housing prices were also bad for the economy.

ABC Touts Fighting Obesity with Highway Money

'World News' plugs left-wing plan to use federal infrastructure funds for bike paths and sidewalks.
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