MRC Business

New NASA Temperature Data Yet Another Reason to Re-Assess Global Warming Scare

Faulty data abounds in the foundational arguments of climate change zealots.

CNN: Unsafe Sex, Pregnancy the Fault of Smaller Government

Network concerned that deficit reduction eliminated federally subsidized birth control for college students.

Time Magazine Blames Lenders, Makes Case for More Mortgage Regulations

Time suggests home buyers are lured in by mortgage lenders and home builders, but ignores borrowers' personal responsibility.

NBC's Latest Financial Expert: 'Mad' Cramer

With markets in flux, NBC's news shows repeatedly turn to Jim Cramer - despite drawbacks.

To Talk about Carbon Footprint, ABC Crew Flies Cross-Country

'World News' anchor promotes costly green lifestyle, but ignores hypocrisy of jet-set report.

Credit-Crunched CBS Journalist Reports on Families in Same Situation

Cynthia Bowers, who has reported on housing for a decade, had a run-in with her own adjustable-rate mortgage.

Signals Suggest Home Financing Giant Countrywide Will Weather Credit Crunch

Media reports of bankruptcy appear to be premature, as the Fed cuts discount rate and mortgage lender secures $11 billion in financing.

Two Shows Shift Focus from Airlines to Government's Problems with Air Travel

CNN and ABC cite problems with FAA on reports that they will enforce new guidelines.

Media Bash Mattel for Chinese Production but Ignore Consumer Benefits

Cost of manufacturing goods in the United States would affect prices and availability of many products.
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