MRC Business

Journalists Give Viewers the High Test on Gas

Reporters drive price predictions to $4 a gallon and higher, and hope no one remembers they've been wrong before.

GMA Promotes ATV Regulation

'Safety Alert' excludes proponents of personal responsibility

CBS and ABC Misreport 'Record' Gas Prices, Again

Both evening newscasts use faulty math to hype rising pump costs.

Eco-Extremist Wants World Population to Drop below 1 Billion

Sea Shepherd founder says mankind is a 'virus' and we need to 're-wild the planet.'

Fortune: American Business 'Respectable' Again Because of Liberal Choices

Magazine declares the era of 'shamed' business is over, thanks to companies going green and endorsing nationalized health care.

Time's 100 'Most Influential' Loaded with Little Green Men (and Women)

Eco-tastic celebs, politicians and even CEOs make the magazine's list.

ABC and CBS Give No Credit to Novartis

Evening broadcasts praise 'promising' drug for osteoporosis without naming the manufacturer.

Econ 101: Betting on the Media or the Market?

Dow record shows investor confidence, but the media worry over every aspect of the economy.

Networks Chip Away at Dow Milestones

Economic pessimism abounds in network news reports even as the Dow continues to break records.
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