MRC Business

Cuba: What a Great Place to Visit! Never Mind the Dictatorship

NBC's Matt Lauer points to tourism numbers as a sign that Cuba is flourishing under Fidel Castro's regime.

ABC Blames Society for Lack of Children's Health Insurance

Reporter uses Clinton allies and personal tragedies in one-sided report favoring universal care.

ABC Attacks NASA Skeptic with 'Incensed' Scientists

But 'World News' segment left out liberal leanings of both scientists, and the reporter.

'Evening News' Blames Drug Industry for TB Scare

CBS reporter cites lack of vaccine development but excludes industry rebuttal.

Washington Post Glows: 'Left-leaning' PR Firm Working Toward 'Progressive' Agenda

Post treats activist David Fenton, who once helped spread the Alar pesticide scare, with great care - unlike paper's treatment of conservative PR executive.

Gas Prices Falling, but Where Are the Stories?

USA Today reports the decline, but networks are lagging behind.

Media Spread Suspicion of Gas 'Gouging'

Record gas prices prompt journalists' support for more price gouging investigations, vague legislation.

Media Hit the Gas -- Correctly, for a Change

Finally, 26 years and thousands of stories later, journalists find the price is right.
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