MRC Business

NBC Labels Hedge Fund Investing 'Dangerous'

'Nightly News' attacks high-risk investors for seeking 'vulnerable' upper-middle class 'targets.'

Bottled Water Ban Not Enough

CNN focuses on Greenpeace response to rule that cans bottles in name of global warming. [correction appended]

Enough Gushing over Moore to Make You 'Sicko'

Media use Michael Moore's new film to fuel campaign for socialized health care in America.

Drug Company Profits Are Good for Your Health

The media prescribe a constant stream of pharmaceutical company rhetoric leaving out the high costs of miracle drugs.

'Today' Demonizes Student Loan Companies for Alleged 'Schemes'

As Congress faces loan legislation, NBC show uses horror music and generalizations to frighten viewers.

'American Morning' Offers Another Gloomy Housing Forecast

Reporter calls Realtors' prediction 'optimistic' and labels forecast of no real recovery until 2009 'respected.'

Review: 'SiCKO' Doesn't Offer Cure-All for Health Care

Michael Moore offers a lot of criticism for American health care, but his solution is taxing on viewers, citizens.

Fortune Portrays Hillary Clinton as Corporate Sweetheart

Easton uses list of rich liberal donors to substantiate claim corporate America is betting on Clinton.

CNN Promotes Liberal Presidential Bid, 'Gay-Friendly' Cities

'In the Money' goes left so many times, it looks like a NASCAR race.
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