MRC Business

Blackouts: New Energy Conservation Program?

Despite media and left-wing opposition, we have to expand energy supply in U.S.

'Evening News' Attacks Privatization of Medicare

CBS report says Medicare Advantage program causes 'untold confusion' and mentions seniors 'scared to death.'

Iraq War too Costly to CNN

Network renames show to 'Your $$$$$,' but keeps the same old liberal talking points.

Moore Continues Publicity-Seeking Jihad against CNN

Apology-obsessed filmmaker repeats the same tired demands of CNN, insisting he has been defamed.

MSNBC's Olbermann Gives Thanks to Michael Moore

Filmmaker and host praise one another, Moore attacks insurance companies and profits.

Record Dow Downplayed After Largest Gain in Nearly 4 Years

Network newscasts put emphasis on threats from home loan foreclosures, '$4 gas' prices.

CBS Attacks Banks for Profiting from Overdraft Fees

'Evening News' accuses industry of 'cashing in' and downplays personal responsibility.

'World News' Ga-Ga Over Penguin Protection

ABC supports effort of eco-extremists to add penguins to endangered list, to stop global warming.

CBS: Recycling Might Be a Deadly Problem

Increased transport of scrap materials causing '25,000 accidents a year.'
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