MRC Culture

Apostles of Atheism: Executive Summary

How the broadcast and print media helped spread the Gospel of Godlessness in 2007.

A Study in Character Assassination: How the TV Networks Have Portrayed Sarah Palin as Dunce or Demon

An analysis of two weeks of coverage of the GOP vice presidential nominee reveals unremitting hostility from the network news.

A Study in Character Assassination: Executive Summary

An analysis of two weeks of coverage of the GOP vice presidential nominee reveals unremitting hostility from the network news.

Nets Promote Prop. 8 Protesters

News coverage denies traditional marriage supporters any opportunity to make their case.

News Anchor: Hate on Both Sides as Prop. 8 Protesters Stomp on Cross

Talk about false moral equivalence.

'Access' Denied to Prop 8 Supporters

A popular entertainment news show, Access Hollywood, provides a platform only for celebrities in favor of same-sex marriage.

WaPo: Bush Pro-Life Regs Onerous, Ideologically Offensive

Reporters quote a former Clinton official accusing the Reagan and Bush administrations of establishing the Mexico City Policy, which limits the promotion of abortion by government-funded groups, ...

Unmasking the Myths Behind the Fairness Doctrine

I do not agree with what you have to say, but Ill defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire

Unmasking the Myths Behind the Fairness Doctrine: Executive Summary

I do not agree with what you have to say, but Ill defend to the death your right to say it.

Down a Dark Abby

The Culture and Media Institutes analysis of Dear Abbys 2007 columns reveals that the worlds leading advice columnist cannot be trusted to promote traditional sexual morality but she can be ...
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