MRC Culture

CNN Host: GOP Palin Critics 'Intellectual,' Palin Backers 'Knuckle-Draggers'

Mike Malloy also described the GOP's social conservative base as crazy and mouth breathers.

Sexy TV Shows, Violent Video Games Linked to Teen Sex, Aggression

Two studies published by Pediatrics find that sexy TV shows are associated with higher teen pregnancy rates, and violent video games with increased hostility in children.

No Access for Hollywood?

The legion of leftist actors is remaining silent during this election for fear of tainting Obama.

WaPo/Newsweek 'On Faith' Editor Smears Dobson, Focus on the Family

David Waters accuses the Christian ministry of fear-mongering in a letter warning of the possible consequences of electing Obama.

Pulitzer-Winning Author Who Wanted Bush 'Shot' Spews Hate on Huff Post

Should the leading leftwing Web site be providing a platform for such ill-informed, rage-driven rants? Whatever happened to civility?

Palin, Jesus and Witches???

Newsweek caricatures Palin's faith one week before the presidential election, even raising the specter of anti-Semitism.

Skank-o-ween 2008: The Sexualization of Children

Is your daughter trick-or-treating in the Wicked School Girl costume this year?

Time Magazine's Picture-Perfect Pitch of Obama

For all intents and purposes, the latest issue is a Barack campaign flyer.

McCain Attacks on "Obama's Patriotism" Making "Old Advisers Wince"

David Kirkpatrick on McCain: "His campaign has pelted his rival with attacks that make some of his old advisers wince, like questioning Mr. Obama's patriotism or tying him to 'a domestic terrorist.'"

Time's 'Campaign Scorecard' Ignores Character Issues

The weekly political assessment leans heavily toward pro-Obama topics.
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