MRC Culture

CBS Allows Theologian to Defend Belief

The Early Show's Maggie Rodriguez interviews Father Thomas Williams, whose new book debunks atheism.

ABC: Evangelicals 'Buzzing' Over Obama

World News Sunday promotes unprecedented campaign to woo millions and highlights importance of the abortion issue in the process.

NBC's Today Showcases Edgy Singer Rihanna

Kathie Lee Gifford called Rihanna an absolute doll. What about the sexually suggestive songs she performed before an audience peppered with children?

The New TV Trend: Call Girls

Hollywood's champions of immorality always say they're exploring the gray areas of morality. Now they've transcended even that. They are actively depicting evil as good.

AP Suggests Christians Oppose Faith-Affirming License Plates

Article quotes three pastors who oppose I Believe license plates in SC, but no pastors in favor.

CNN Portrays The Da Vinci Code Movie as Sin 'Too Grave to be Forgiven'

Like ABC, CNN sides with Hollywood against Rome.

ABC Reporter Sides with Hollywood against Rome

Good Morning America's Nick Watt sneers at the Vatican for refusing to allow a Catholic-bashing movie to be filmed in historic churches.

'The Sky Is Not Falling' – Yet

Get used to hearing this term in the coming weeks, as the media interview pro-homosexual spokesmen about same-sex marriage in California.

Battlefield 'Habeas Corpus'

The Supreme Court's decision granting rights to enemy combatants will make life for our soldiers much tougher. For the enemy, combat may become even deadlier.

CBS Lauds Latest Jolie-Pitt Pregnancy

Early Show message: you don't need to be married to raise a family.
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