MRC Culture

Seventeen Mag Assumes Teen Sex, Ignores Morality

The latest issue encourages teen girls to insist on condoms, and never explains why it's right to just say no.

Washington Post Tells Kids Homosexuality Is Fine

Article cites pro-homosexual groups, but includes no opposing views or information about health risks associated with the lifestyle.

NBC's Today Promotes Nude Vacations

Co-anchor Kathie Lee Gifford offers a novel take on what constitutes a family vacation.

Catfighting 'Uber-Divas' Get a Reality Show

N Network's Queen Bees features mean girls in need of a personality makeover -- and makes poor character the focus of entertainment.

Top Pop Hit Goes from Bad to Worse

The old #1 song verged on pornography. The new #1 song is even more offensive.

Hollywood's Teen Sexploitation

The entertainment industry cashes in on teen pregnancy, at great cost to society.

The Early Show Normalizes Illegitimate Births

CBS's Lara Spencer announced with equal exuberance new births to celebrities in and out of wedlock.

Political Correctness Run Amok

Toddlers who are picky eaters are racists?

RIP Sir John Templeton

CMI mourns the death of our benefactor, a great and humble man.

Jesse Helms and Mangled Manners

Leftwingers in the news media and the blogosphere embarrassed themselves with meanspirited slurs directed at the fallen American patriot.
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