MRC Culture

NBC Drops the Ball on Teen Sex

The followup special for The Baby Borrowers fails to tackle tough subjects in discussions of teen sexuality and pregnancy.

Post Writer Says 'Gay Plague' Is Fault of 'Homophobia'

Is lung cancer the fault of tobaccophobes?

New York Times Bemoans Killer's Execution

In its zeal to oppose capital punishment, the Gray Lady suggests Texas should bow to 'international law.'

NYT Explores Strategies for Obama to Win Catholic Votes

The Times downplays the candidate's radical pro-abortion record.

Solzhenitsyn: A Prophet Honored in His Own Country, but Not in the U.S. Media

The great writer's commencement address at Harvard in 1978 was a powerful indictment of elitist liberalism.

ABC Tells Story of Faith in Tragedy

Good Morning America explores how religious belief is helping the Steven Curtis Chapman family cope with the death of their daughter.

Forget Marriage: Adultery and Promiscuity Rule the Airwaves

New study shows broadcast television promotes sex in every relationship except marriage.

WSJ Shines Light on Richmond's Success at Battling Gun-Related Crime

The treatment is in stark contrast to typical media calls for more gun control.

Let's Talk About Sex

Newsweek provides great tips for parents on how to talk to young teens about sex but needs to emphasize parental monitoring of teens' entertainment choices.

Teen Choice Awards a Mixed Bag of Morality

Skanky Gossip Girl rakes in six awards, but squeaky clean Jonas Brothers get the nod too.
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