MRC Culture

CNN Reveals Anti-Abstinence Bias in Report on Palin's Daughter

How does Kyra Phillips know what Bristol Palin was taught about sex?

Celebrities Embarrass Obama

With friends like Madonna and Ludacris, who needs enemies?

Media: Dems Acknowledging Abortion Disagreement is 'Reaching Out' to Pro-lifers

During his speech at the Democratic convention, however, Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, Jr. didn't really reach out to pro-lifer voters at all.

About-Face: Media Outlets Turn on 'Cancer Vaccine' Maker

Nets, newspapers were also promoting Gardasil before the side effects were known.

Former ABC Reporter, Now Obama Campaign Worker, Bashes GOP As 'Extremely Conservative' on Abortion

NBC's Morning Joe hosts failed to challenge Linda Douglass on Obama's extreme pro-abortion record.

New York Times and Washington Post Ignore Obama's Housing Shortage

McCain doesn't know how many houses his wife owns – that's news. Obama is allowing his own brother to live in destitution in Kenya, and bought his property with the help of a slumlord now serving ...

Brokaw Gives Pelosi a Chance to Help Obama on Question of When Life Begins

Obama's above my pay grade statement prompts pro-abortion Speaker of the House to spin the teachings of the Catholic Church.

ABC Wakes Up, Reports Gardasil Dangers

Network finally covers the negative side of the cervical cancer vaccine story.

Maher Calls Christianity the Ultimate Hustle on Larry King Live

Religion-despising comedian promotes his new comedy film, calls Rick Warren pope of the super-Christies

TIME Writer Objects to Recognizing Life at Conception

Nancy Gibbs suggests McCain's stance could lead to more abortions.
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