MRC Culture

Washington Post Uses Unitarian Shooting to Demonize Conservative Christians, Talk Radio

Given the Post's one-sided account, could the paper be contributing to a climate of hate against conservative talkers and orthodox religious believers?

Washington Post Spins CDC AIDS Blunder

Media solution for increased HIV infection rates: throw more money at the problem.

Media Silent on Pelosi Intent to Kill DOMA

If Obama becomes President, the Speaker of the House will support his efforts to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, opening the door to same-sex marriage throughout the nation.

Jerry Springer, Opera Man?

ABC's Whoopi Goldberg Declares Married Men 'Fair Game'

If a husband says it's ok to come on to him, The View's cohost has no problem with having a little fling.

Hushing Rush after 20 Years

Liberals in Congress view talk radio as a profound threat to their power. They intend to do whatever they can to reduce the impact of conservative talkers, First Amendment be damned.

WaPo 'News' Article Slams Measure Protecting Conscience of Health Care Workers

The Bush proposal would uphold the right of pharmacists, for example, to refuse to fill prescriptions for contraceptives that kill babies.

No Increased Risk of Divorce, so Living Together Must Be Okay

USA Today fails to look at other ways cohabitation damages people and relationships.

ABC Covers Medical Marvels Extended to the Unborn

World News with Charles Gibson highlights the tiniest, most fragile of patients imaginable – unborn babies.

Judges Favor the Profane

In effect, the court said that because the Enforcement Bureau of the FCC has been a steady, ongoing farce of decency protection for thirty years, it must always and forever remain a joke.
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