MRC Culture

Media Spike Story on Obama Citing Jesus to Justify Same-Sex Civil Unions

Not a single paper or network covers Obama rejecting the Book of Romans' teaching on homosexuality.

NBC's Medium Casts Arizona Senator and Ex-POW as Murderer, Cannibal

Are the writers trying to send a backhanded political message, or will next week's episode feature a corrupt murdering female senator from New York?

Clueless in Obama Nation

On Sunday, at Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio, Sen. Obama promoted homosexual legal civil unions in answer to a question posed by a pastor, and then threw out this challenge: If people find ...

The Sunday Washington Post on Satanic Rock: 'Two Horns Up!'

This underlines how low the Post will go for Internet traffic numbers.

Network Jailbreak

NBC, ABC and CBS loose their America-bashing impulse in stories on the U.S. incarceration rate.

ABC Addresses 'Moral Hazard' of Government Bailouts

Taxpayer-funded rescues for people facing foreclosure could encourage even greater financial risk-taking.

NBC Focuses on Quality Family Time

Today Show highlights low-cost, low-tech ways for families to spend time together.

GMA: Is Victoria's Secret Too Sexy?

ABC un-coverage crams dozens of semi-dressed models and naked body parts into two minutes of morning television news.

John McCain: Disqualified at Birth?

Just the latest flaky, negative story on McCain since he apparently clinched the GOP nomination.

Bill Buckley Made It Okay to Be a Conservative

I was a conservative as a kid, but fell under the sway of liberal profs and the New Age culture. But Buckley was a key force in pulling me back to reality.
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