MRC Culture

Anointing Misguided Leaders: the Networks Disservice to Black America

CMI senior editor Brian Fitzpatrick studies coverage of the biggest civil rights story of 2007 and finds that the networks sought comments only from the liberal black establishment, never from ...

Religion in America and on the Network News

It's always interesting to see how different news organizations report the exact same information.

It's Sweeps Week -- ABC News to Focus on Sex Tonight

For 20/20 it's infidelity, for Nightline it's the merits of porn.

CBS Evening News Acknowledges that Premature Babies Feel Pain

The network leaves one question unanswered: why do some physicians still say infants don't feel pain?

FCC Complaint Filed Against NBC's Las Vegas

Show aired one day after Jane Fonda dropped the c-word on NBC's Today.

The New York Times, John McCain, and the Abuse of Ethics Reporting

By playing politics with a story, America's 'paper of record' has made it more difficult for journalists to keep politicians accountable for their moral conduct.

Dear Abby, or Dear Dr. Ruth?

A mother should accept her daughter making a living by running porn sites?

'Dumb' Americans

Author Susan Jacoby attacks conservatives and religious believers while promoting new book.

Nets Ignore Michelle Obama's Lack of Pride in America

News shows do cover Barack Obama's insignificant plagiarism spat with Hillary Clinton.

Sex Education Veers the Wrong Way

The Washington Post steers parents to a perfectly awful book about sex, Robie Harris's It's Perfectly Normal.
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