News Analysis Division

Media Research Center

MediaWatch: August 1988

Study: Coverage of the Democratic Convention; NewsBites: Abortion Distortion; Revolving Door: Thomas Rodgers; Dirty Double Standard; Janet Cooke Award: CBS NEWS: Democratic Convention Coverage

Notable Quotables - 07/25/1988

Notable Quotables - 07/11/1988

Media Research Center

MediaWatch: July 1988

Study: Liberals in Control of Campaign Coverage; Study Bites; NewsBites:Rabel's Nicaraguan Fable; Revolving Door: David Burke; Dukakis the Moderate; No Hedging On Bentsen; Janet Cooke Award: CBS' ...

Notable Quotables - 06/27/1988

Notable Quotables - 06/13/1988

Media Research Center

MediaWatch: June 1988

Study: Primary Concerns; NewsBites: ABC's Anti-Bush Campaign; Revolving Door:Carolyn Gorman; Harvey and Maybeth Go Left; Janet Cooke Award: Front Line: Joining the Christic Cause

Notable Quotables - 05/30/1988

Notable Quotables - 05/16/1988

Notable Quotables - 05/02/1988

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