
Leonhardt Tortures Logic to Argue Tea Partiers Aren't Serious About Cutting Spending

Huh? Leonhardt blames Tea Partiers for not being serious about cutting spending: "Just last weekend, Tea Party members helped deny Senator Robert Bennett, the Utah Republican, his party's ...

Times Pushes Condom Education, Quotes Planned Parenthood Twice Without Proper ID

While discounting the value of abstinence education, reporter Roni Caryn Rabin twice quoted Planned Parenthood without mentioning that it's a pro-abortion conglomerate which operates abortion clinics.

'Conservatives' Battle 'Civil Libertarians' in the NYT's Long War on Balance

The Times main battle plan: Avoiding the L-word at all costs.

Obama Pick Elena Kagan a 'Liberal,' But Only 'in Moderation'

Peter Baker wonders if Elena Kagan is liberal enough to battle with the staunch conservatives on the Supreme Court, while the Times fawns over Kagan the "opera-loving, poker-playing, ...

Gulf Oil Spill? Krugman Blames You Know Who

Left-wing columnist Paul Krugman blames the president's policies for the massive oil leak in the Gulf. No, not President Obama, but the one that left office over 15 months ago. He's also the third ...

Bizarre: Columnist Vecsey Fears NBA Players Could Be Victims of AZ's Illegal Immigrant Law

Paranoid sports columnist George Vecsey suggests that Major League Baseball players boycott Arizona: "Speaking as somebody with relatives of various hues and backgrounds, I wouldn't want them ...

Charles Blow Again Attacks Tea Partiers as Racist

Charles Blow, officially obsessed with the Tea Party movement: "Racist. Tea Party. Are those separate concepts or a single one? Depends on whom you ask."

Intolerant GOP Watch: Bennett's Loss in Utah a 'Damn Outrage,' Says Disgusted 'Conservative' Columnist Brooks

"This is a damn outrage, a disgusted David Brooks, the faux conservative columnist for the Times, declared on Sunday's Meet the Press reacting to Republican Senator Bob Bennett's loss Saturday at ...

More Labeling Slant in Arizona Immigration Law Coverage

Julia Preston serves as stenographer for La Raza president Janet Murguia, who two years ago called for Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Lou Dobbs to be removed from the airwaves for "hate speech" ...

Military-Banning Elena Kagan: The Times' Idea of a Supreme Court 'Pragmatist'

Reporter Katharine Seelye's profile reads like an attempt to portray liberal former Harvard Law School dean Elena Kagan, a potential Supreme Court pick, as a moderate.
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