
The Times Salutes Bill Moyers, Hard-Left 'Lion of PBS,' Finds Few Critics

The paper's usual labeling imbalance was on display in how it treated left-wing vs right-wing critics of PBS.

Misleading Poll Question Doesn't Stop Respondents from Favoring AZ Immigration Law

The Times initially spun a 60%-36% pro-enforcement gap as a "slim margin." And the law doesn't give "police the power to question anyone they suspect is in the country illegally, as the misleading ...

Obama Says: Get Your Liberal Opinions at the New York Times

Obama encouraged University of Michigan graduates to keep an open mind: "If you're someone who only reads the editorial page of The New York Times, try glancing at the page of The Wall Street ...

James McKinley, Texas Cheerleader for Democrats vs. 'Rightwing' Gov. Perry

In a bleak year for Democrats, James McKinley finds hope for Texas Democrat Bill White against sitting governor Rick Perry, who some say "has moved too far to the right."

Wow: Times Actually Compares Obama's Oil Spill Response to Bush-Katrina

The Times chides Obama in two stories and an editorial on Saturday for his administration's dilatory response to the oil spill in the Gulf.

Yawn: Frank Rich's Predictable 'Show Me Your Papers' Take on Arizona's Immigration Law

Is Frank Rich losing his edge? His by-the-numbers column on Arizona's tough new anti-immigration law is actually (slightly) less virulent than columns by Times colleagues and former reporters ...

Hyping 'Dozens' of Pro-Amnesty Protesters - At a Chicago Cubs Game

The Times again defined a tiny protest by pro-amnesty lobbyists as national news - this time, protesting the Arizona Diamondbacks outside a Chicago Cubs game.

Times Watch Quotes of Note: Great Minds Think Alike...So Do Times Legal Reporters

Plus no liberals on the Supreme Court and angry white male reactionary Tea Partiers

Great Minds Think Alike...So Do Times Legal Reporters

Plus: No liberals on the Supreme Court and angry white male reactionary Tea Partiers

'Crackpot' Republicans Behind 'Lunatic Magnet' Arizona's 'Crackpot' Immigration Law

Former Times reporter Timothy Egan: "The crackpot laws owe their genesis to the crackpots who dominate Republican politics, who in turn cannot get elected without the backing of crackpot media."
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