
Hulse Lets Clinton Smear Tea Party Protests as Lighting Fuse for Next Oklahoma City Bombing

Carl Hulse lets Bill Clinton suggest Tea Party protesters may be lighting the fuse for another Oklahoma City bombing: "The pitched attacks by some Republicans and conservatives during the health ...

'Senegal Urged to Rein In Religious Schools' - But What Religion Are We Talking About?

Adam Nossiter manages to write a story about children in Islamic religious schools in Senegal forced to beg in the streets without describing the religion in question: Islam.

Timothy Egan: Not a Single Liberal on the 'Extreme' Supreme Court? Really?

Former reporter Egan takes on the "extreme" Supremes: "This court, activist conservative in the extreme, has never met a corporation it has not coddled, nor a prosecution argument that does not ...

Michelle Obama, New Jackie O and Sole Savior of the Fashion Industry

Some more of that hard-bitten Times reporting: "Often called the First Lady of Fashion, Mrs. Obama has a sense of style, as we all know by now, that rivals Jackie Kennedy's. She has boosted the ...

Gail Collins Doesn't Get It Either: Expects Tea Partiers to Celebrate 47% Who Pay No Taxes

Columnist Gail Collins ironically asks when anti-tax groups will hold "rallies to thank the president for doing so much to reduce the burden on the half of the country least able to pay." ...

Times Polls Tea Partiers, Finds Them Educated, But Also Angry and Inconsistent

The Times lead story by Kate Zernike on its new poll of Tea Party protesters: Good start, questionable finish: "Some defended being on Social Security while fighting big government by saying that ...

Reporter Uses Poland's Tragedy to Deride 'Crass' Post-Communist Capitalism

The Times' Eastern Europe correspondent Dan Bilefsky can't deal with the "crass commercialism" taking over Europe after the fall of Communism: "Learning the lessons of capitalism; profit nudges ...

Krugman the Global Warming Prophet Howls: 'Utter Catastrophe' Possible

Paul Krugman, once an economist, then a left-wing talking-points purveyor, and now an expert climatologist: "Sea levels would rise, with the impact intensified by those storms: coastal flooding, ...

Reid's Liberal Amnesty Promise Makes It to Print - But His Reversal Only Makes It Online

Julia Preston's celebration of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's promise to push for amnesty for illegals "this year" made Sunday's print edition. Yet Reid's reversal three days later was ...

Leonhardt Dismisses How Almost Half Pay No Income Tax, Calls For Higher Rates on Those That Do

The NYT's voice on fiscal policy wants higher taxes on everyone but most importantly, the rich: "The answer is that tax rates almost certainly have to rise more on the affluent than on other ...
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