Hypocrisy on stilts: Columnist Paul Krugman, who has accused the GOP of eliminationist rhetoric and global-warming skeptics of treason against the planet, chides a fellow Times writer for ...
The Times' health care reporter Robert Pear uncovers a big goof in Obama-care: "Congress members may need to go insurance shopping." He adds: "The confusion raises the inevitable question: If they ...
Congressional reporter Carl Hulse: "Republicans rejected Democratic assertions that they were being heartless and said they recognized the need for unemployment aid....Democrats say Republicans ...
The creator of "Avatar," which the Times calls "his epic tale of greed versus nature," is saving the indigenous people in Brazil, and threatens - um, promises, a sequel.
The Catholic Church and Islam are the same thing when it comes to their treatment of women according to Maureen Dowd: "I, too, rationalized as men in dresses allowed our religious kingdom to decay ...
Liberal Justice John Paul Stevens, friend of humanity: "He has been alert to the humanity of the people whose cases made their way to the court." In a series of articles on Stevens' retirement, ...
Times former Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse is still spouting self-righteous liberalism on nytimes.com, this time on immigration: "In this nation of immigrants and their descendants, we ...
Charlie Savage on Justice Stevens, April 9: "In cases involving prisoners held without charge at the American naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and the mentally retarded on death row, his ...