
Hulse Accuses Rep. Wilson of "Disrespect" for President, Ignores Own 2005 Reporting on Dems Heckling Bush

Carl Hulse ignores his own reporting to claim Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst was "a rare breach of the protocol" of presidential addresses to Congress. Yet a Hulse story from Bush's 2005 State of the ...

Thomas Friedman Again Praises Communist China for Getting Things Done

Thomas Friedman: "One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages."

Odd Front-Page Optimism: "Public Opinion" Still Supports Obama-Care?

Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg's odd optimism on Obama-care: "While the month of August clearly knocked the White House back on its heels, as Congressional town hall-style meetings exposed ...

Obama-Care Opponent Betsy McCaughey Tells Falsehoods, Says 9-11 Truther

Jim Rutenberg cites author and 9-11 Truther Erica Jong to discredit effective Obama-care critic Betsy McCaughey.

Editor Admits Paper's Van Jones Coverage "A Beat Behind"

In an online Q&A, Managing Editor Jill Abramson admits the paper's coverage of the Van Jones controversy was "a beat behind," puts the blame on Labor Day, not pro-Obama bias. It's not the ...

Conveniently Murky Explanation of Truther Petition Signed By Van Jones

Why didn't the Times' front-page story by John Broder clearly state that Obama adviser Van Jones suggests President Bush knowingly allowed 9-11 to happen?

Reporter Says Anti-Semitism Invented By Right Wing

Deborah Solomon continues to display her anti-conservative hostility in her latest Q&A for the Times Sunday magazine, dubiously telling conservative political scholar Norman Podhoretz that ...

To NY Times Editor Tanenhaus, Obama Centrist, Explicitly Nonideological

Week in Review and Book Review editor Sam Tanenhaus sees liberals like Barack Obama as "consensus" oriented, "explicitly nonideological" centrists and Republicans as "ideologically committed" ...

NY Times Finally Picks Up Van Jones Story - After He Resigns

The Times keeps its readership reliably in the dark about Obama's "green jobs" czar and 9-11 Truther Van Jones, not covering the controversy at all under its over.

Ad for the NYT's Weekend Edition - A Parody

I like the "Pictures of Goats" section myself...
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