Reporter Katharine Seelye looks askance at conservative Sen. Jim DeMint's "ideological purity" and chides him for "stoking anger" and for not knocking down "misimpressions" on Obama-care. She also ...
Appearing on MSNBC's New York Times Edition on Friday, 'Week in Review' editor Sam Tanenhaus, author of a new book called "The Death of Conservatism," lamented one of Ted Kennedy's flaws: He ...
Sara Rimer on why 1991 was one of the best years of devout Catholic Ted Kennedy's life: "He fell in love with Victoria Reggie, the canny, razor-smart, beautiful 37-year-old daughter of old family ...
At the senator's funeral, Dan Barry lists "Ted Kennedy's political and human desires: That human beings be measured not by what they cannot do but by what they can do. That quality health care ...
In David Kirkpatrick's piece on Catholic opposition to Obama-care, phrases employed by conservatives like "rationing" and "moral convictions" are closed up in scare quotes.
Did the failure of Sen. Ted Kennedy's liberal immigration "reform" really lead to "an increase in hate crimes, activity by anti-immigrant groups and ranting on cable television and the Internet"? ...
Sheryl Gay Stolberg frets about a "coarser, more partisan" Senate while paying tribute to Kennedy, ignoring how Kennedy himself contributed to the coarseness with his demagogic attack on Supreme ...
Profile reporter Mark Leibovich goes on for three paragraphs about Kennedy's Catholicism without mentioning his flaunting of church teachings in his strong support of abortion: "In recent years, ...
Columnist Nicholas Kristof left off the fact that his health-care hero turned universal-care advocate, former health insurance executive Wendell Potter, is working for the avowedly left-wing ...