
Times Sees Just One Side to Women-in-Combat Debate

Two days in a row Times coverage gave short shrift to critics who disagree with placing women in dangerous ground combat assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Former NYT Reporter Cheers Hurricane Katrina Book as 'Powerful Indictment' of U.S. Under Bush

Times blogger and former NYT reporter Timothy Egan applauds a new Hurricane Katrina book as a "powerful indictment of America's dystopia in the Bush era."

NY Times Critic: 'Certain Radio and Television Hosts' Fueling 'Terrorism?'

Times critic Deborah Solomon quizzes DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano: "But do you think certain radio and television hosts are feeding intolerance and even terrorism?"

The Times Links Death Panel Concerns to Birthers, Obama-is-a-Muslim Rumors

Reporters Jim Rutenberg and Jackie Calmes fret about right-wing fear-mongering on death panels, linking them to "Internet campaigns that dogged Mr. Obama last year, falsely calling him a Muslim ...

Times Marks V-J Day By Dwelling Darkly on Veteran's PTSD

World War II Navy veteran Albert Perdeck asked the New York Times to remember V-J Day this year. The paper obliged by writing a story dwelling heavily on Perdeck's struggles with post traumatic ...

L.A. Lines Up for Free Health Care in "An Outpouring of Need"

Pro-tax reporter Jennifer Steinhauer contrasts downtrodden folks in Los Angeles waiting in a long line for free health care with the "angry" protesters found at town hall meetings.

Update: Town Hall Protesters Not Just White & Irritable, They're Ignorant Too

David Stout adds a wrinkle to the Times' dismissive coverage of citizens protesting Obama's health-care overhaul.

The Times Explains It All on Obama-Care: Don't Worry, Conservatives

The Times tries to calm conservative fears about abortion coverage and "end of life services," but its defenses of Obama-care fail to settle the matter.

"Almost Entirely White and Irritable Crowd" of "Angry" Obama-Care Protesters

After years of celebrating liberal protesters, the Times shudders as an "almost entirely white and irritable crowd" of "angry" conservatives hassle Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter about Obama-care.

Michael Vick's Dogfights: No Worse Than Hunting?

Sports columnist William Rhoden brings in Jesse Jackson to argue the case that former NFL QB Michael Vick should return to the game this year, and wondered whether what Vick did with dogs was any ...
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