
Error-Prone Alessandra Keeps Corrections Box in Business With Cronkite Tribute

The latest correction to an Alessandra Stanley story ends on a note of exasperation: "The earlier version also misstated the date of the first moon landing; it was July 20, 1969, not July 26. And ...

Walter Cronkite Tribute Doesn't Tell the Whole Story

Was longtime CBS newsman Walter Cronkite really "uncomfortable expressing opinion"? He made his liberal views well-known, especially after his retirement from the anchor chair.

Jill Abramson Still Angry at Congress for Treatment of Anita Hill

Jill Abramson, who cowrote an anti-Clarence Thomas book, uses the Sotomayor hearings to attack the "harshly prosecutorial questioning," "questions about pornographic movies", and suggestions of ...

"What Would Teddy Do?" Pushing Kennedy's Lifelong Goal of Government Health Care

Honor Sen. Ted Kennedy by passing big-government health "reform"? Mark Leibovich writes: "Some hold out hope that Mr. Kennedy can make a last-ditch appeal to his Republican friends - a kind of ...

Left-Wing Movie Critic Stephen Holden, Stuck on "Stupid"

Stephen Holden has a habit of embracing hysterical leftist mockumentaries like "The Age of Stupid," a "frightening jeremiad about the effects of climate change." For Holden, "frightening jeremiad" ...

The New Harry and Louise Are "More Charitable," Support Obama-Care

Harry and Louise, no longer selfish, have signed on for Obama-style big-government health "reform," reports Natasha Singer of a new ad campaign featuring the famous fictional couple: "Now, the ...

Krugman on Colbert: Bushies Were Stupid, Crazy

Columnist Paul Krugman on The Colbert Report: "[People in the White House] understand what the problems of the economy are. You know, as I say, they're not stupid, they're not crazy, which is a ...

Swift Boat Vets Inspired a Term for "Smearing a Political Opponent with Lies"

Charlie Savage is not happy with a new anti-Sonia Sotomayor ad with a tie to the campaign against John Kerry by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

An "Extraordinarily Deep" 3% Cut in California School Budget?

Pro-tax reporter Jennifer Steinhauer warned about budget-cutting talks in California: "Details emerging from the talks suggested that the deal would require extraordinarily deep cuts to school ...

NYT Really Excited Sotomayor's From NYC

Metro section reporter Manny Fernandez has made Sotomayor into an Obama-style figure of inspiration for three days running, basing his stories on the thinnest of connective tissue: The "main ...
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