
The NYT Liberal? Where Did You Get That Idea?

Plus Comrade Krugman Accuses GOP of "Treason Against the Planet"

Woman Professor Arrested for Child Endangerment? Blame Palin

Why did a "well-educated" professor get arrested for child endangerment? Columnist Judith Warner blames...Sarah Palin? "This is why Palin - in her down-home aw-shucks posturing - is the ...

Sotomayor's Diabetes Struggle Is Heroic - But Gov. Palin Raising a Family Was Troubling

Sheryl Gay Stolberg finds something else to fawn about regarding Sonia Sotomayor: "That no-nonsense attitude, combined with the attention to detail that characterizes her legal opinions, has been ...

Cornelia Dean Chides Those Who Doubt Harm of Global Warming

Cornelia Dean chides the public for doubting the undeniably harmful effects of global warming: "...about a third of Americans think there is lively scientific debate on both topics; in ...

Bill Keller Says His Journalists Love Their Country Too

The suddenly ubiquitous Times editor sits down with Time magazine and gets a few hardballs from readers, including this one: "The Times had no problem leaking state secrets, claiming the truth ...

Where's the Party? Selectively Identifying Troubled Democrats

A story on corrupt ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich didn't mention his Democratic affiliation, but a story on convicted Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman did - to make him look like a victim of a ...

Obama's Gaffes in Moscow Almost Ignored

Obama made multiple verbal gaffes while in Moscow, including misremembering his daughter's age and where he met his wife. Times coverage? A single paragraph. Would George W. Bush have gotten the ...

What Did Milton Friedman Ever Do to Ginia Bellafante?

The TV critic accuses a PBS series host of being "in thrall to the Chicago School's free-market philosophy" and blasts the "collaboration between the dictator Augusto Pinochet and Milton Friedman ...

Vietnam, Still a 'Futile War'

Reporter Tim Weiner couldn't quite bring himself to note that the enemy was "communist" - unless he was describing an exaggerated threat.

Obama Was "Man of Experience" Before Winning, but Palin Still Has None

Adam Nagourney sneers about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's surprise retirement: "By stepping down before finishing her term, she cannot claim to be even a one-term governor." The Times was never ...
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