After several stories praising Sonia Sotomayor, Friday's front-page finally upturned some fertile ground for criticism: "Nominee's Links With Advocates Fuel Her Critics - Support For Bias Cases - ...
'The White House is betting that only the most hardened senator would not be moved by her powerful personal story - a daughter of Puerto Rican parents, who discovered at 8 she had diabetes, who ...
Jodi Kantor: "What was so powerful in Adam Nagourney's story was the visual of having this bank of white male senators grill in a possibly antagonistic way the first Latina woman nominated to ...
Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney recycled his web-only column for the print edition, complete with a headline portraying the GOP as in a lose-lose bind over Sonia Sotomayor's nomination: ...
Sheryl Gay Stolberg gushed that Obama Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor "danced a mean salsa" at Princeton, hints she might be some kind of liberal in paragraph 73.
As close as reporters Peter Baker and Jeff Zeleny got to admitting the obvious: "If confirmed to succeed Justice David H. Souter, a mainstay of the liberal wing who is retiring, Judge Sotomayor ...
Metro reporter Alan Feuer takes on a car alarm: "By now, my wife has told me many times precisely what she saw that night...a man fully naked in the heat of mid-July, storming by in a sort of ...
A Connecticut-based reporter highlights an upcoming Gingrich visit in snide fashion: "Newt Gingrich is to address a shrinking Connecticut Republican Party that has sworn off God, guns and gays as ...