
Dowd Lifts Anti-War Talking Points From "Talking Points" Blog

Columnist Maureen Dowd is in trouble again for misusing quotes. This time it's a paragraph in her latest column clearly lifted from a liberal blog, the ironically named Talking Points Memo.

Speaker Pelosi Lied? Page A-18

Everything from serious (Chrysler closing dealerships, Afghan airstrikes) to silly (ranting advertisements, frozen pot pies) beat Nancy Pelosi's press conference on her knowledge of waterboarding ...

Did Times Report Invent a Quote for Catholic Leader?

Holy Jayson Blair! Catholic League president William Donohue charges Times reporter Paul Vitello with inventing a quote: "I never said anything remotely like this."

Democrats Show 'Growing Unease' With Obama's Wars

The Times played down liberal dissent on his sudden reversal on the release of "detainee abuse" photos, but they published a whole story on liberal Democrats developing an "unease" for Obama's wars.

Times Avoids Pope Quotes, Highlights Harsh Accusers

It's easy to denounce the Vatican's poor public-relations efforts when you're unwilling to quote the Pope in your story, but you're eager to let people accuse him of being an "enthusiastic Nazi."

Downbeat Spin from the Times: World Ends, Minorities Hardest Hit

Which newspaper headline, over articles about the same report from the Pew Hispanic Center, is not like the others? The one from the Times, naturally.

GOP's "Angry," "Negative" Tone Killing the Party

The Times' chief politcal reporter says Rush Limbaugh is definitely not a "Happy Warrior." But has Adam Nagourney ever actually heard Rush's show?

"Robber Baron" Transforms Into "Shrewd Businessman" After Loan to NYT

Plus: The Ethical Bush-Hater

David Sanger Finds Wisdom in Conspiracy-Monger's Book on Muslim World

Professor Juan Cole calls Israel "racist" and "fascist" on his blog. He now has a book out, and the Times' David Sanger thinks Bush should have "mulled over such material."

Surprise: Balanced Coverage of Obama's Next Supreme Court Pick

What's gotten into two of the Times' legal reporters? One admits that Obama will surely nominate a liberal to replace the liberal Justice Souter, while the other points out contradictions in ...
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