
"Gruff...Rambling" Conservative Justice Thomas vs. "Energetic...Precise" Ginsburg

Unbalanced views of public appearances by two Supreme Court justices, one conservative, the other liberal.

Times Uses Librarian Obit to Bash "Insidious Portion" of Patriot Act

Plus: The Times calls a single group "ultraconservative" 15 times but has only used the term "ultraliberal" to describe any liberal group once.

NYT, Heal Thyself

The Times worries that health insurance plans may not cover a new cancer therapy - but if the Times was in charge of health care, would there be any new kinds of therapies developed for insurance ...

Times Says Tea Parties "More About Group Therapy" and Anger Than Solutions

Liz Robbins dismisses the tea parties as a temper tantrum: "All of these tax day parties seemed less about revolution and more about group therapy" and "offered no solutions," just anger.

Hezbollah: Still Not Terrorist, Just a "Military...and Social Organization"

I feel safer already: Hezbollah's not a terrorist group, just "a military, political and social organization in Lebanon with strong ties to Iran, a bloc in Lebanon's Parliament and ministers in ...

NYT Still Running Bad Gun Number

The Times again wrongly suggests that 90 percent of guns used by Mexican drug dealers come from the United States.

Editorial Page Editor Admits Most Times Readers Are Liberals

Andrew Rosenthal admits: "I'll be honest: Because of the nature of our readers, letter writers who defend Republican, conservative or right-wing positions on many topics have a higher shot at ...

Obama Loosens Cuba Restrictions, Times Applauds

Guess which side reporters Sheryl Gay Stolberg (pictured) and Damien Cave are on: "Those who still support the Bush hard line denounced the decision....Yet those old animosities are giving way to ...

Name That Party, Congressional Scandal Edition

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois is in hot water over the Ill. Senate seat scandal, but the Times didn't identify him as a Democrat until the ninth paragraph. How did the same paper treat a ...

"Mass" Ignorance of Catholic Liturgy at the Times

Going once, going twice, going three times: "No Mass is said on Good Friday."
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