
Another Overheated Budget Cut Story by Eric Eckholm

From Sunday's front page: "States Slashing Social Programs For Vulnerable."

Roger Cohen Praises Iran's Resiliency, Accuses Israel of Lying About Threat

Columnist Roger Cohen (pictured) continues his defense of Iran, accusing the Israelis of "crying wolf" over Iran's nuclear threat.

Carl Hulse Hates GOP's Successful Demonization of the "Death Tax"

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse insisted that the "death tax" (always in quotes) "hits merely a sliver of wealthy American families" and was dismayed at how successful the conservative campaign ...

Paul Krugman Behooves Himself

The economist turned left-wing talking points spouter goes after the tea party protests by comparing Rush Limbaugh to Stalin and saying Republicans are like the mentally ill.

"Obama Wins Troops' Cheers" in Iraq; Bush's Dramatic Visit Greeted Petulantly

Plus Mocking Conservative Governor's "Extreme" Frugality During a Recession

Anti-Global-Warming Activist Marc Morano Gets Cold Shoulder

The Times tries to discredit anti-global-warming activist Marc Morano by linking him to some of their favorite villains: Exxon, the Swift Boat Veterans, and Richard Mellon Scaife.

Politically Correct Movie Critic Likens New Comedy to Abu Ghraib

Gee whiz, it's only a movie: "If you thought Abu Ghraib was a laugh riot then you might love 'Observe and Report,'....Like the pettiest of dictators, [main character] Ronnie preys on the weak in ...

Columnist Charles Blow Easily Frightened By "Crazy Stuff" from Right-Wing

Charles Blow: "...some of the right's talking heads are talking about an armed revolt....Crazy stuff methinks."

The Times Finally Puts Right Label on Communist Khmer Rouge

Times Watch recently criticized the paper for scrubbing a reference to the Communist nature of the genocidal Khmer Rouge. Today, the word "Communist" is prominent.

Egan Exploits Gun Massacres to Call for Gun Control

Liberal reporter turned nytimes.com blogger tries to use his Western street cred to argue for stricter gun control.
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