
Gee, Why Do Conservatives Think Journalists Are Snooty Liberals?

A Times reporter tells two people at a McCain rally: "You have to read the New York Times. Don't just listen to what Bill O'Reilly says."

Rohter Rides to Obama's Defense on "Distorted...Discredited" Sex-Ed Charges

Reporter Larry Rohter's pro-Obama fact-checking: McCain's accusations "seriously distort the record....old and discredited accusations." As if Barack Obama and Joe Biden never make faulty ...

NYT Reporter Absolutely Sure Obama's "Pig" Wasn't Palin

Covering for Democrats: Kate Phillips just knows that Obama wasn't insulting Palin with his "lipstick on a pig" remark. Back in 2006, Phillips tried to get people to stop talking about John ...

And This Year's Award for Bad Metaphor Goes to...

John McCain, "the happy captive"?

Public Editor Says Palin Coverage Fair, Parenting Angle "Legitimate"

Clark Hoyt says questions about Palin's "juggling" ability are totally inbounds: "The New York Times did have a front page story about the conversations that are going on among women...about how ...

Rev. Jeremiah Wright Compares Obama to Virgin Mary - Times Doesn't Blink

Times reporter Andy Newman calmly passed along that Obama's preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright was taking instructions from Jesus himself.

Seelye Shrugs Off Dem. Ed Rendell's "Big Lie" Smear of McCain

Pennsylvania's Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell accused the McCain camp of employing "the Big Lie strategy."

Bob Herbert Unleashed: "Arch-Conservative" Clarence Thomas's "Self-Hatred"

Mild-mannered columnist Bob Herbert lets the mask slip: "Self-hatred is a terrible thing. Just ask that arch-conservative Clarence Thomas."

MTV Host Russell Brand, "Intelligent...Philosophical" Bush-Hater

Some of Brand's musings: Calling President Bush a "retarded cowboy" and telling Americans they must vote for Barack Obama "on behalf of the world."

The "Fraudulent...Fiction" of the McCain-Palin Ticket

Conservatives are happy, and columnist Frank Rich is spitting mad.
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