
No Media Sexism Here, Says Alessandra Stanley

But in June Stanley said that both Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama had endured "antifeminist hazing."

Laura Ingraham Points the Finger (Literally) at NYT's "Entrenched Elite"

Katharine Seelye gets more than she bargained for at a pro-life convention gathering.

Reporter Asks: Should Palin Talk About Hubby's DUI in Her Speech?

Sheryl Gay Stolberg: "But what about the business of Ms. Palin's complicated family: her feud with her state trooper brother-in-law, which sparked an ethics investigation; her husband, who was ...

Times Buries Palin-Alaska Independence Party Correction on Page 18

After falsely stating on Tuesday's front page that Sarah Palin was once a member of the Alaska Independence Party, the Times "corrects" the record not on the Correction page but in a box at the ...

Conservatives Push "Punitive Measures" on Immigration in Platform

The Times' label-happy conservative-beat reporter uses the word "conservative" more often than the conjunction "and."

Ignorant Questions to Gov. Bobby Jindal: Converting to Christianity = Rejecting Family Values?

Deborah Solomon to La. Gov. Bobby Jindal: "If the Republican Party bills itself as the party of family values, what should we make of the fact that you rejected the name your parents gave you, ...

NYT Questions Palin's "Parenting"; Bumiller Flubs Palin's AIP "Membership"

Reporter Kate Zernike (pictured) in a podcast wonders why Sarah Palin accepted McCain's invitation given that she had a pregnant teen-age daughter, and Elisabeth Bumiller's front-page story ...

A Candidate's Lonely Iraq Crusade Finally Vindicated...Obama's?

Bizarre: "Senator John McCain's rival, Senator Barack Obama, once was a lonely voice demanding the withdrawal of all combat forces by mid-2010. But now, Iraq's leaders are pushing a timetable that ...

Mildly Criticizing (But Also Excusing) Unhinged Rumors of Sarah Palin's Pregnancy

Making excuses for unhinged leftist rumors: "For those who are blaming the liberal blogs in the Palin instance, the left would certainly counter and take aim at Republican blogs and Internet sites ...

McCain's Protection of Bristol Palin's Privacy Calls Leadership Into Question

On a podcast, reporters Jackie Calmes and Sheryl Stolberg attack Palin and McCain's judgment and say the pregnancy story is fair game because the campaign has "made a big issue of [Palin's] ...
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