
"How Dirty Did the Tricks Get?" Times Swallows All Valerie Plame's Claims

In a review of Valerie Plame's new book, Janet Maslin doesn't raise any questions about the former CIA employee or her husband, anti-war misleader Joseph Wilson.

Kakutani's Surprise Kick at Feminist Faludi's "Sloppily Reasoned" 9-11 Book

The Times at first fawned over feminist Susan Faludi's deluded new book on 9-11 - but then liberal book critic Michiko Kakutani ripped the "ill-conceived and poorly executed book," "one of the ...

Times Just Can't Stand Lou Dobbs' Stand on Illegal Immigration

The Times pursues Lou Dobbs' opposition to illegal immigration as if he was the first journalist to ever make his opinion on an issue clear (although it's an everyday occurrence in the liberal media).

Times Oddly Underwhelmed by Victory of Indian-American in Louisiana

Could it be because Louisiana Governor-Elect Bobby Jindal is a conservative, religious Republican?

Story on Limbaugh Auction Misleads in the Lede

The Times again misconstrued Rush Limbaugh's "phony soldiers" comment.

Frank Rich's Gestapo Tactics

Plus: Embracing Che Chic and Panicky Pro-Life Christians

Times Cites Vague Pro-SCHIP Poll, Ignores More Factual One Showing Lack of Support

Robert Pear trumpeted a CBS News poll that "found overwhelming support for expansion of the program to include some middle-class uninsured children," ignored a more specific one that showed people ...

Conservative Groups "Packaging 9/11" to Help Bush

Janet Elder claims conservatives are taking advantage of the "murky understanding" of voters who think Saddam was involved in 9-11. But what of the poll showing 1/3 of Democrats think Bush was ...

The Times Finds Media Bias in Lou Dobbs' Excoriation of Illegal Immigration

A selective venture into journalistic fact checking, again starring Lou Dobbs and his "thunderous" opposition to illegal immigration.

Frank Rich's "Gestapo" Tactics

"Our humanity has been compromised by those who use Gestapo tactics in our war. The longer we stand idly by while they do so, the more we resemble those 'good Germans' who professed ignorance of ...
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