NYT Magazine's "Q&A" writer not only misleads in the presentation of her interviews but in her politics as well, as shown in her disparate treatment of conservative icon William F. Buckley and ...
Times wishes "Supreme Court had done the right thing and ruled for Al Gore" in 2000. But the Times' own reporting showed that Bush would have won the statewide manual recount requested by Gore.
The New York Post: "The posthumous award of the nation's highest battlefield honor to a Long Island war hero has become another black mark for the Gray Lady. The New York Times carried not a ...
"In a way that the words of no living person could, the diary [of a man who starved] has shown the human costs of the economic transformation in Japan." But the man never asked relatives or ...
Media reporter Jacques Steinberg let CBS reporter Rita Braver get away with an untrue statement: that she has "stayed away" from Clinton interviews after her husband's legal work for the Clintons ...
Three favorable profiles of Democratic long-shots in the Times in less than three weeks, two on the front page, none with a news hook. The GOP hasn't fared quite as well.
Double standard? Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Mississippi says "I'm a Democrat because I'm a Christian" - but the Times doesn't raise an eyebrow at this particular mixing of religion and ...