Why did the Times believe in the Duke rape hoax so long? "[David] Brooks' brand of conservatism - so moderate that he rooted for the Democrats to win control of Congress in 2006 - still put him ...
Robin Toner: "Some of the romanticism about the virtues of the American health care system may be diminishing, and not just among the audiences who cheered Michael Moore's 'Sicko' this summer."
"A rally on Saturday to protest the war in Iraq, which began with a peaceful march of several thousand people to the Capitol, ended with dozens of arrests in a raucous demonstration that evoked ...
Meanwhile, a Times editorial echoes MoveOn.org: "Mr. Bush's claims last night about how well the war is going are believable only if you use Pentagon numbers so obviously cooked that they call to ...
Times Watch director Clay Waters appeared on Fox & Friends Friday morning to discuss the New York Times offering cut-rate ad space to MoveOn.org to bash General Petraeus as a betrayer of his country.
Who's vetting left-wing ads at the Times? The notorious MoveOn.org ad inaccurately cited the paper's own reporting when it called Gen. David Petraeus a liar.
"Mrs. Clinton told aides this year to vet major donors carefully....Yet nine months into her campaign, Mrs. Clinton is grappling with exactly the situation she feared..."