
The Times Ducks the Hard Questions on Torture

The Times confidently and self-righteously declares torture doesn't produce valuable information - but gave an example in which it may have.

The Public Editor Tackles His Paper's Shoddy Duke Lacrosse Coverage

Barney Calame keeps the gloves on in his criticism of the paper, but does offer some insights (and some mea culpas) about why the paper was so willing to think there was a rape case to be made. ...

Are "Cuts in Welfare" Risking Lives of Poor Infants?

Reporter Erik Eckholm finds a familiar culprit for an increase in black infant mortality in Mississippi: "The setbacks have raised questions about the impact of cuts in welfare and ...

Are You Listening, Selena Roberts?

Plus a couple from Paul Krugman, and Whitewater bias in the Travel section.

Whitewater Prosecutor Ken Starr, "As Distant a Figure As Nero"

Liberal conventional wisdom on Bill Clinton's Whitewater scandal, in the Travel Section, no less.

Linda Greenhouse Loses Her Abortion Balance

After keeping them under wraps yesterday, Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse discreetly waves her pro-abortion colors in a "news analysis."

"Global Warming" Bias Even Planted in the House & Home Section

"Just how to garden in these erratic times is the subject of 'Gardening in a Changing Climate,' a three-day symposium at the New York Botanical Garden that is open to the public and begins tomorrow."

The Times Embraces One N-Word: "Nationalists"

Don't blame radical Muslims for the execution-style killings of three Christians in Turkey: "Turkish authorities detained five men for questioning, three 19-year-olds and two 20-year-olds; the ...

Still Swerving Around the "Partial-Birth Abortion" Label

The Times avoids the "provocative" (but accurate) label of "partial-birth abortion" in headlines, while fencing the phrase with quotation marks in stories.

"What Opponents of the Procedure Call...."

The procedure that shall not be named: Partial-birth abortion.
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