Eye on Culture

Media Research Center

Hate and Bile: Left-Wing Attacks on Women Get Little Press

Violent, sexual language, crude epithets, even death wishes – conservative women get the worst in liberals. 

Liberal Echo Chamber Howls at Planned Parenthood Controversy; Networks Can't Find Komen Supporters

Traditional print media, Soros-funded outlets unite to blast Komen, while networks ignore pro-Komen side.

Kid Pan Alley's Lefty Songsters Target 30,000 Grade Schoolers

Staff, contributors of childrens songwriting group stump for left-wing causes, back Obama.

Speak No Evil: Planned Parenthood Flush with Federal Cash, Protected by Networks

While ABC, CBS and NBC kept its scandals quiet, abortion group raked in 34 percent more federal money in 2011.

The War on the War on Christmas

Relax, attacks on Christmas are made up by Fox News and the sinister 'Christian Right.'

Deadbeats, Duds and Doofusses: Dads in the Media

You're dim, irrelevant and a burden on the family. Happy Fathers Day.

The Worst of Oprah: Daytime Talk Queen Ends Biased Reign

Liberal schlock mogul closes show, starts network.

Holy Week: Media Worship Earth Day, Attack Easter

Broadcast networks rave about eco-holiday; use resurrection of Christ as excuse for assault on Catholic Church.

MSNBC's UnCivil War on the Right

On 150th anniversary of start of Civil War, to MSNBC, conservatives are secessionists, slavery sympathizers and unreconstructed rebels.

Speak No Evil: Networks Obscure Deadly Extremism of Muslim Brotherhood

Contradictory reports hide substance of powerful Egyptian Islamist group.
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