Eye on Culture

Media Research Center

Sports Media Launches Olympic-Sized Blitz from Left

Sportswriters advocate progressive Olympics, assault Republican politicians on air.
Media Research Center

Liberal Media Cheer on Pro-Gay Discrimination

Governments in America, abroad practice pro-gay discrimination, press approves.
Media Research Center

Pay Cable’s Race to the Bottom

Premium cable’s original content is filth, and it’s seeping into regular cable programming.
Media Research Center

With Friends like Obama: President Undercuts U.S. Allies to Media Silence

To media, only conservatives guilty of ‘unilateralism.’
Media Research Center

The Real Dan Savage Part II: Proudly Perverse

Americans tempted to turn to Dan Savage’s Seattle sex-advice column shouldn’t waste time. No matter what the question or how perverted the urge, Savage will – using the crudest ...
Media Research Center

The Real Dan Savage: The Bully against Bullying

Gay, anti-bullying activist despises Christians and refers to heterosexuals as ‘breeders’ in his books.
Media Research Center

Lies My Textbooks Told Me: Judging Recent Supreme Court Justices

Textbooks attack Reagan and Bush Supreme Court nominees, label moderate justices as 'conservatives.'
Media Research Center

The Crusade Against Faith

The Liberal Media’s four-pronged attack on traditional religion.
Media Research Center

Lies My Textbooks Told Me: Blowing Up Controversy on Three Mile Island

Eighth and eleventh grade American historty textbooks misconstrue major historical events.
Media Research Center

Religion of Liberalism: Washington Post's 'On Faith' Blog

The Washington Post’s “On Faith” blog network bills itself as “a conversation on religion and politics.” But the conversation of “On Faith” more accurately resembles a diatribe justifying ...
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