Best of NQ 2012

The Twenty-Fifth Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting

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Media Coverage

In addition to discussions on numerous radio talk shows where hosts cited quotes or interviewed MRC representatives, the Best of NQ Awards issue has been highlighted by these outlets:


  • FNC's Hannity on December 17 played several clips with MRC President Brent Bozell as a guest to offer comment. Video
  • FNC's Fox NewsWatch on December 29 highlighted the winners in two categories. Video



Let Us Fluff Your Pillow Award
for Obsequious Obama Interviews


Sherri Shepherd (61 points)

“President Obama, are you a romantic kind of husband?”

“I heard that there’s a plaque in Chicago. It marks the site of your first kiss. Tell us about that first kiss.”

“You guys have a ritual where, now, First Lady, you go to bed at 10:00 in the evening. Your husband comes to bed at 1:00 in the morning. But you have a ritual where he tucks you in at night. What is that?”

— Some of co-host Sherri Shepherd’s questions to President and Mrs. Obama on ABC’s The View, Sept. 25. [MP3 Audio]


Brian Williams (49 points)

“You had to go to Tuscaloosa. You had to go have fun at the Correspondents’ Dinner. Seth Meyers makes a joke about Osama bin Laden….How do you keep an even keel? Even when we look back on the videotape of that night, there’s no real depiction that there’s something afoot.”…

“If this had failed in spectacular fashion, it would have blown up your presidency, I think, by all estimates. It would have been your Waterloo, and, perhaps, your Watergate, consumed with hearings and inquiries. How thick did the specter of Jimmy Carter, Desert One hang in the air here?”

— Brian Williams to President Obama during his May 2 Rock Center special on the first anniversary of the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden. [MP3 Audio]

Barbara Walters (45 points)

ABC’s Barbara Walters: “I know that you answer people’s letters all the time. And what we thought that we might do, we asked middle school and high school students to throw a few questions. I’d like to read their questions: ‘If you were a superhero, and you could have one superpower, what would it be?’”

President Obama: “You know, I’ve talked to Malia about this. We both agree that flying seems like it would be a pretty good thing to be able to do.”

— Clip of interview played on ABC’s The View, December 19, 2011. [MP3 Audio]

Scott Pelley (43 points)

“This week, we have our interview with the President, and there was a remarkable moment of candor when he told us the sacrifices he makes being President wouldn’t be worth it except for one thing. Listen for it….”

President Barack Obama: “One of the things that you learn after you’ve been in this office for a while is the pomp, the circumstance, the title, Air Force One — all that stuff probably isn’t worth the sacrifice with respect to the time lost from your family, the inability to just take a walk and go out for a drive. What makes it worth it is when you meet some couple that says, ‘You know what? Our kid was able to stay on our health insurance plan and it turns out they were just diagnosed with a curable cancer, but if they hadn’t stayed on their plan we wouldn’t have caught it.’ That’s what makes it worth it.”

— CBS Evening News, September 14. [MP3 Audio]