Barbara Walters Comes Clean; GOP's "Mindless Cannibalism"; Baldwin Chastised 6) Letterman's "Top Ten Good Things About Having President Clinton As Your Cellmate." >>> "The Best Notable Quotables of 1998: The Eleventh Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting." Go to [1] and click on the "Best of NQ" button, or go directly to the Best of NQ page: [2]. Either way, you'll find both: a) The Print Edition sent to subscribers. The annual special 8-page version of Notable Quotables with award winners and runners-up in 14 categories as judged by a panel of 50 radio talk show hosts, magazine editors, columnists, editorial writers and other leading media observers who generously gave of their time. Web Bonus: RealPlayer video and audio clips of the biased quotes from television. Don't just read the bias -- hear and see it too. b) Special Web Edition. See which quotes visitors to the MRC Web site voted as the most biased of the year. <<<
But pressed, she soon did. Check out these two exchanges: -- Letterman:
"Your feeling, in your stomach, in your heart when you see what was
going on, do you think that it was a mistake, that we made a mistake as a
country, our representative form of government, was a mistake made on
Saturday?" -- Letterman:
"There are people who believe that she's actually a hero, people,
I've actually heard them say that Linda Tripp is a hero. I just think
that if there's more reprehensible behavior in the name of friendship,
let's see it. I don't believe it exists."
What a relief.
-- ABC's World News Tonight. Peter Jennings opened by citing an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing Clinton's job approval at 67 percent "and whether you judge it sympathy, or anger at the House Republicans, 56 percent in our poll say Mr. Clinton should stand up to a trial rather than resign." John Cochran summarized the day's events with Clinton at a soup kitchen, a censure plan from Carter and Ford and how even Senate Democrats believe a trial must be started. Jennings then delivered a quick profile of Hastert, a former high school teacher and wrestling coach who, Jennings relayed, "is described as a conservative but not an ideologue." -- CBS Evening News began with Scott Pelley: "Dan, the White House is treating impeachment with defiance and the reason may be the latest poll numbers. A new CBS News/New York Times poll shows the President has a 73 percent job approval rating, that matches his highest ever. Today the White House fairly scoffed at impeachment, suggesting that if there's any humiliation in it, it is for Congress to bear not the President." Unlike ABC or NBC, Pelley reported: "Some Senators were infuriated by Saturday's post-impeachment gathering at the White House. One moderate Republican told CBS News, quote 'The President is making a huge mistake. He's acting like this hasn't happened. He's got to stop the arrogance,' end quote." Rather then
repeated the 73 percent job approval number, contrasting it with a 59
percent unfavorable rating of Republicans. Reporter Wyatt Andrews picked
up: "The jury in America has reached its decision. The President is
on trial, the Republicans have been found guilty." Andrews relayed
how the CBS poll found 63 percent believe Republicans acted mostly
"to damage Bill Clinton" while only 34 percent said they acted
mostly because the "charges were serious." Andrews asserted:
"What's happened is a severe Republican backlash, the worst GOP
rating recorded in 14 years." -- NBC Nightly News. Tom Brokaw opened: "Good evening. It must be maddening to the President's sharpest critics on Capitol Hill and in other places, but his approval rating only gets better after they take a whack at him." Brokaw explained that he latest NBC News poll found a 72 percent job approval level with 62 percent wanting him to stay in office versus just 34 percent who think he should resign. Lisa Myers looked at how both parties say a Senate trial is inevitable and that even Democrats like Dianne Feinstein want Clinton to admit his guilt. David Bloom examined the defiant White House strategy and willingness to fight it out because Clinton will never admit perjury. Gwen Ifill profiled Hastert: "Allies say Hastert is a fixer who can talk to Democrats and heal House Republicans now rocked with internal strife." The show ended
with Jim Avila on the disconnect between Republicans and the public:
"Across the country, from New York City Christmas shoppers." Saturday night ABC delivered a more biting hit at
Republicans. ABC's December 19 World News Tonight ran three reaction
stories, but could not find one person proud of Republicans for putting
principle first. First, from Chicago, Dean Reynolds ran some man on the
street reactions, none positive toward Republicans. Third, from Atlanta,
Steve Osunami ran two clips: one from a man who thought Clinton should
resign and one from a person who said Republicans had no right to impeach.
-- ABC's Good
Morning America. MRC analyst Jessica Anderson caught these questions from
co-host Cynthia McFadden. -- NBC's Today. Katie Couric worried about how a trial would distract from real issues, asking Senator Mitch McConnell: "Why are you convinced of that [a speedy trial in the Senate] because many people have been talking about a long, protracted trial taking attention away from the important issues in this country that people really care about?" In the 7:30 half hour co-host Matt Lauer talked with Bill Bennett and deposed Democratic Speaker Jim Wright. MRC analyst Mark Drake noticed that he pressed both from the left. To Bennett after
noting how Larry Flynt offered big bucks for dirt on Congressmen: "Do
Republicans share none of the blame here?" To Jim Wright:
"Speaker Wright, let me start with you. When you resigned nine years
ago you had been battered by the right. You called for an end to what you
called 'mindless cannibalism' Nine years later we're hearing terms
like that again and others swirling around the impeachment of Bill
Clinton. Have we learned nothing in nine years?"
The December 20 Fox News Sunday showed an excerpt of Baldwin: "We would stone Henry Hyde to death" and "kill their wives and their children," prompting host Tony Snow to remark: "There's our Howard Beale moment of the year." Fox's Brit Hume then, in my opinion, accurately assessed Baldwin's intention and beliefs: "I think it was not in earnest. On the other hand, I don't think the thought would have occurred to him to say it on that show if it hadn't occurred to him otherwise." -- Baldwin has apologized. The December 17 Washington Post reported: Baldwin wrote a letter of apology to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) for a bit in which he shouted, "We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we'd kill their wives and their children!" Baldwin said the exchange was a parody mocking the sanctimony of representatives on the Judiciary Committee, and that he was sorry Hyde took it badly. "In the current supercharged climate there's no room for this kind of glibness," he said. NBC has promised not to rerun the show, ever. "The skit was obviously a joke and meant to be taken as such," the network said via a spokesman for the show. "However, in retrospect, there are sensitivities, given the climate in Washington, and we won't re-air it," he said. END Excerpt
Jack Valenti has fired off a letter to actor Alec Baldwin, chastising him for suggesting in a comedy bit that people stone to death House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R-Ill.). The Motion Picture Association of America president said he wrote to Baldwin after "a few friends of mine in Congress -- Democrats and Republicans" complained about Baldwin's recent comments on NBC's "Late Night With Conan O'Brien."... The actor's outburst was part of what was supposed to be a big laugh-getter in which Baldwin became so agitated that O'Brien had to administer oxygen. Hollywood's No. 1 lobbyist acknowledged he had not seen Baldwin's appearance on the talk show but said he didn't need to. "This was to go stone somebody and kill his family," Valenti said. "However it was said it's not something you use as a joke, it's not something you parody. This is incendiary." Baldwin spokeswoman Lisa Kasteler said Friday that "I was surprised that he would comment on something he hadn't seen and would get involved at all." She has said the incident was intended as parody. Valenti responded: "If I were clowning around and said something in a racist way and said it was only parody, if I said something in an antisemitic way and said it was only parody, what do you think the press response would be?" END Excerpt The answer to Valenti's question: Far greater than it's been, but FNC and Rush Limbaugh have highlighted it. Last Wednesday Special Report with Brit Hume played the RealPlayer clip from the MRC Web page and Hume showed a brief excerpt again on Thursday as he informed viewers they could see it on the MRC home page. Hours earlier on Thursday Rush Limbaugh directed his listeners to the MRC page if they wished to see it. So, to read a transcript of his outburst or to see and hear it via RealPlayer, which you must download if you don't already have it on your computer, click on the link MRC Webmaster Sean Henry put on our home page at [3] or go directly to: [4]
10. Finally, the connection you've needed
to meet your hero, Roger Clinton. And from the Late Show Web page, some of "the extra jokes that didn't quite make it into the Top Ten." -- Unlike most prisoners, he isn't
constantly moaning about how much he misses his wife.
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