Better Off Red?
Table of Contents:
- Better Off Red?
- Introduction
- Before the Fall:Seeing Communism as a "Success Story"
- The Liberation of Eastern Europe: Missing the "Safety" of Communism
- "The Workers' Paradise Has Become a Homeless Hell"
- Whitewashing the Communist Record on Human Rights
- Journalists Distressed by China's Shift Towards Capitalism
- North Korea: Singing Along With Diane Sawyer
- Enthralled with Fidel Castro's Communist Paradise
- Scorning the Anti-Communists: "Nobody Likes a Snitch"
- Journalistic Gorbasms Over the Last Soviet Dictator
- Conclusion: Nostalgic for Totalitarian Communism
Journalists Distressed by China's Shift Towards Capitalism
Starting in the 1980s, the communist government in China began
instituting economic reforms that moved away from state control of the
economy and towards a more market-based system that includes private
property and even foreign investment. But the government of China
remained firmly under the control of the Communist Party and People’s
Liberation Army, a fact underscored by the government’s killing of
several hundred pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in June
Even though China is still ruled by a one-party
dictatorship, journalists seem more distressed by the move towards a
capitalist economy. Reporters fret about the “gap between rich and
poor,” and the new burdens capitalism places on a “once-pampered work
force.” As for the lack of democracy, New York Times columnist
Thomas Friedman recently marveled at the “great advantages” of China’s
“enlightened” one-party rule. And some journalists reacted to the bloody
attack in Tiananmen Square with astonishing relativism, inanely
equating it to the shooting at Kent State or the problem of under-funded
“Will the military leaders there be embarrassed by
this [the Tiananmen Square massacre]. Will this be something like Kent
State was for our military?”
— CBS reporter Eric Engberg on Nightwatch, June 7, 1989.
may have been gunned down in Beijing, but what about the millions of
American kids whose lives are being ruined by an enormous failure of the
country’s educational system....We can and we should agonize about the
dead students in Beijing, but we’ve got a much bigger problem here at
— John Chancellor’s commentary on NBC Nightly News, June 20, 1989.
emerged from retirement and launched a campaign for more and faster
capitalist-style reform....The burst of development brought with it many
of the evils the communists had sought to eradicate: corruption,
inflation, a growing gap between rich and poor.”
— CNN’s Mike Chinoy reviewing dictator Deng Xiaoping’s life on Prime News, Feb. 19, 1997.
all of China’s economic success, much of the vast country is still
either desperately poor or suffering from the excesses of runaway
capitalism — or both.”
— Newsweek’s Bill Powell, March 3, 1997.
a way, the business boom here fueled today’s protest. A thin layer of
the top of Chinese society has made tons of money, but the masses have
been left behind and increasingly lack of housing and unemployment
makes those at the bottom very restless. That’s why some 200 people
boldly demonstrated for about three hours today in a symbolic park in
the heart of Beijing.”
— Dan Rather reporting from Beijing for the June 20, 1997 CBS Evening News.
the good old days, the Communist Party found a job for everyone. Now
young people have to fend for themselves....The future of the Communist
Party may be in doubt if it can’t ease the pain felt by the
once-pampered work force.”
— NBC reporter Chris Billing from Beijing on the February 13, 2000 NBC Nightly News.
“Workers’ Rights Suffering as China Goes Capitalist.”
— Headline over front-page New York Times story by Erik Eckholm about low-paid workers employed by private and foreign companies in China, August 22, 2001.
autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a
reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also
have great advantages.”
— New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, September 9, 2009.