Soros Clones: 5 Liberal Mega-Donors Nearly as Dangerous as George Soros

From Buffett to Bloomberg, top left-wing supporters give $2.7 billion to push a liberal agenda.

Born: Aug. 30, 1930

Net Worth: $62 Billion

Foundation: The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation

Soros Clone Rating: 3 of 5

Media Outlets: BH Media Group (75 local papers) 

Buffett has been involved in media for decades. While Bloomberg focused on buying one of the largest news magazines in the U.S., Buffett took a different approach, buying up dozens of smaller, localized outlets.

The Berkshire Hathway CEO, beloved by the news media, was no stranger to the news business. Until Amazon founder Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post in 2013, Berkshire Hathaway owned 1.7 million shares in Graham Holdings, the Post’s parent company. Shortly after the sale of the paper, Berkshire negotiated a deal with Graham holdings that involved Berkshire giving up its shares.

Berkshire Hathaway Media Group owns 75 outlets in 10 different states and invested at least $142 million on the acquisitions, even with the sale of its Post shares.

This media ownership gave Buffett influence on the news at a local level. His holdings included newspapers in political swing states like Virginia (30 papers) and Florida (9 papers cover the “mid-south,” which includes Florida). 

An outspoken liberal, Buffett endorsed Obama during his campaign and advocated for higher taxes on the rich. He made headlines in March 2013 for claiming that he thought he paid lower taxes than his secretary, adding “I’ll probably be the lowest paying taxpayer in the office.”

Through the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, named after his late wife, Buffett also donated more than $1.2 billion to abortion groups between 2001 and 2012. This included money going to Planned Parenthood and NARAL, as well as funding to aid the development and approval of the controversial abortion drug RU-486.

This substantial support of the abortion industry stems from Buffett’s own Malthusian fear of overpopulation. Despite Buffett’s status as a household name, the media largely ignored his funding of abortion groups. Out of the 545 stories and interviews with Buffett on ABC, CBS and NBC since 2001, the networks only mentioned his abortion funding once, and even that was only a passing reference to his wife’s support of Planned Parenthood. Not once did the networks mention how much money Buffett poured into the abortion industry.

Buffett’s support of abortion goes back decades. Before 1973’s Roe v. Wade decision, when abortions were legal in California but illegal elsewhere in the country, Buffett and his friend the current vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Charles Munger, helped sponsor a “church,” dubbed the Ecumenical Fellowship, which helped women find places to get abortions.

In 1994, Warren Buffett said that the world would have far fewer problems “if you could make every child born in this country and this world a wanted child … the closest thing we have to that is Planned Parenthood. Until women have the right to determine their reproductive destiny, we’re in an unequal society.”

Partial List of Buffett’s Donations Since 1989:

  • Planned Parenthood: $289 million
  • Marie Stopes International: $211 million
  • National Abortion Federation: $85 million
  • DKT International: $78 million
  • Engender Health: $32 million
  • Guttmacher Institute: $29 million
  • NARAL: $24 million