ABC, CBS and NBC did their part Friday night to minimize the negative
impact to the Obama campaign from the rise in the unemployment rate from
7.8 to 7.9 percent in October. ABC anchor Diane ...
ABC’s World News on Thursday continued its week-plus
blackout of any of the new revelations about the Obama administration’s
dissembling on what occurred before and after the Benghazi ...
Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume upbraided the press for its
lack of interest in pursuing the Obama administration’s misstatements
and dissembling on what they knew before and after ...
A mix of hatred and despair on display Friday night from a member of
Barack Obama’s core constituency: the Hollywood Left. On something
called John Fugelsang: So That Happened, which runs ...
Even after all the e-mails and information has come out over the past
few weeks proving dissembling by President Obama himself and other
administration officials on what they knew about the ...
“The high point of that debate for Romney is when he devastatingly
leveled the charge of Obama going around the world on ‘an apology
tour,’” Charles Krauthammer asserted on the Fox News ...
New York Times foreign affairs columnist Tom Friedman, who three weeks ago derided Mitt Romney for how he “ if he learned his foreign policy at the International House of Pancakes,” on ...
A not so undecided “undecided voter.” At 10:12 AM EDT Wednesday on CNN,
faux “undecided voter” Susan Katz, who had asked Mitt Romney at the
debate the night before how he’s different from ...
ABC’s Diane Sawyer spent a solid four minutes of her interview with
President Barack Obama, as excerpted at the top of Wednesday’s World News,
channeling liberal angst over Obama’s debate ...
Repeating a common mythology that a person’s federal income tax rate
equals the effective tax rate they actually pay after deductions, ABC’s
Jonathan Karl on Friday night forwarded the ...